Merch Club & Patreon Drive for Studio Week 2025! Help Make This Week a Possibility With Extra Perks!
Hi friends <#
I'm reaching out to ask for your support, but also wanted to offer you a ton of perks as well for helping to make our upcoming, 4th annual Studio Week, a possibility.
I'll be living in the studio with our producer Dean, streaming EVERY. DAY. to work on our next album Songs for Dinosaurs and also do some co-writing with our Patrons and Merch Club members.
From Monday, February 24 to Saturday, March 2 you can check in daily to see us hard at work making stuffs for you. I'll be sharing a plan with you all on Monday and I can't wait for a full week together.
There are extra perks for becoming a Patreon or Merch Club recurring member today until the end of the month or for upgrading your tier!
This month, in addition to the usual perks of your tiers you get:
your name on our stream board (for joining, gifting OR upgrading)!
raffle tickets for our art giveaway - I will be making a custom painting for one lucky winner! Tickets are based on your tier (see our handy dandy graphic)!
your name on our Studio Week 2025 band-tee style merch line! (We will have an unveiling of our Studio Week 2024 collage live next week in the studio)!
Thank you, to everyone who makes it possible for me to do this thing I love. Thank you for helping me create. I'll see you for our last 2 Twitch streams of February tomorrow and Sunday and then EVERY DAY NEXT WEEK!
Big Ol' Shop Update Day!
We did it! 5 weeks of song releases & colouring madness! Thank you to everyone who came to the parties, everyone who joined in the art nights and to all of our recurring Merch Club members here who have helped make our shop what it is!
To celebrate making it this far and to honour our year together, we have a HUGE SHOP DROP today!
You can now get the full Dani & Dean Do An Internet album in MP3 format, only in our shop and nowhere else online!
We also have a special LIMITED EDITION COLOURING BOOK available today!
Finally, you asked, so we did it: an entire merch line featuring your favourite Dani & Dean Do An Internet characters is also available now!
I hope y'all are feeling loved!